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#March4MHC - Day 2

Have you seen the latest emails from your Class Agents? If not, check below to catch up!

Friday, March 8 - from Ramona, our fearless Class President

It’s Day 2 of the March4MHC Challenge!

And it's me again, your Class President, Ramona. Hopefully you saw Head Class Agent Aili's message yesterday and you either gave already (Wow! Thank you!) or you said to yourself, "Oh yeah, I'll do that later." Well, later is now!

Below is our progress so far toward our class’s #March4MHC goals: 


Achievement so far


Engage more than 66 classmates (the largest number of donors we have had in previous March4MHC campaigns). If we top that number this year, we earn additional challenge funds.

38 classmates have participated (thank you, thank you, thank you!) 

We need 28 classmates to make a gift today to reach this goal and unlock additional funds! 

If you have not made a gift yet, please consider doing so now.

Reactivate 15 donors who did not give to MHC in FY23, and gain 5 donors who have never given. If we reach these goals, we unlock more funds! 

We have reactivated 1 donor, and gained new donor

We need to reactivate 14 classmates and gain new donors today to reach this goal and unlock additional funds! 

Raise more than $5,460 for MHC, which is the largest amount we’ve ever raised during March4MHC.

We have raised $2418

We are looking to raise an additional $3042 to achieve this goal. Can you help? 

Thank you to all who have participated so far. If you have not yet joined in our march, as you can see we do need your help! We are kicking Class of 2000's butts, but Class of 1974 has almost 200 donors! We may not be there yet, but we can certainly reach our goals. 

As a reminder, you can participate by making a gift in any of the following ways:

We’ll continue to share our progress with you along the way via email and also on our Facebook page

Thank you in advance for your support of March4MHC and Mount Holyoke College! 

Your gift matters. Every gift matters. We’re stronger together.

Ramona Marks, 

Class of 2002 President, Class Agent

p.s.: Yes, my team, we are winning, but tell your 2002 friends! IYKYK

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